Join me Doug Wild Warley to learn how we survey Warley Woods for its butterflies. We will cover the method, our particular transect and also go through some of the species we are likely to see here at Warley Woods

The butterfly survey season runs from April 1st until 28th September, we will aim, between us to get a data set from every week between this timeframe to capture the range of butterflies emerging at different times of the year.

There are some documents that you may find useful to pay reference to whilst watching this video, these will also be of use if you come to actually conduct a Butterfly Survey. Firstly we have the Butterfly Transect Route Map which displays the fixed route around Warley Woods and shows the start and endpoints of each transect section. The F2 Weekly Butterfly Survey Form is a blank copy that you would take with you on a survey to record the butterflies that you see along the route. 

Laminated copies of all of these documents along with a clipboard and other surveying tools are available to those conducting the surveys. They are available for pickup from the Trust's Pavilion. 

If you are interested in conducting breeding bird surveys for us at Warley Woods please contact me at [email protected] as I co-ordinate the surveys for Warley Woods. 

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