What we do Warley Woods Warley Woods is a 100 acre community park which is a mix of woodland, open meadow and a golf course. It has registered, grade 2 status with English Heritage because of its historic plan, designed by Humphry Repton. The park is designated as a Site of Important Nature Conservation and a Site of Local Importance to Nature Conservation. Warley Woods began its life as private parkland for the Galton family in the 18th Century. It was saved from being developed for housing by public subscription and was opened as public park in 1906, and became known as “The People’s Park”. Its public building is The Pavilion which is home to Warley Woods Community Trust and hosts its shop, a cafe, a meeting room and public toilets. The Trust Warley Woods Community Trust was set up in 1997 to restore and manage Warley Woods Park as an asset for the local community. It formally took on the management of the 100 acre site in 2004. The Trust is a registered charity, with a volunteer board and a growing membership. It was the idea of local residents to manage the site themselves and this remains core to the Trust's ethos today with volunteers playing a central role in everything that goes on, supported by a small core group of staff, essential to a complex site open 365 days a year. Its first projects were to restore the essential elements expected of a modern park through a Heritage Lottery Funded project, provide a play area through a Big Lottery grant and restore the Edwardian Drinking Fountain using monies from landfill tax grants. Once these were completed the Trust has worked on many other development and activity projects winning public thanks and national recognition. It remains one of the very few charities in the UK managing an urban park of any size. Community management with decisions made by local residents (volunteers) remains a core principle of its success. If you would like to read a little bit more about us then please have a look at our snapshot of the last financial year. Our mission Our formal words are: "To ensure the long-term restoration and sustainability of Warley Woods Park, and to develop its facilities and events as a central focus for the local community, thus encouraging greater numbers and diversity of people to enjoy this unique environment." In practice this means working hard to survive and thrive - ensuring Warley Woods looks good now and that it will be around for future generations to enjoy. Developing new ways of engaging with different people and different groups, so that visitors deepen their knowledge of and enjoyment in our special place. There is no shortage of ideas from the local community of things that can be tried and explored and no shortage of volunteer commitment to try and make them a reality. If you love Warley Woods then why not play your part and join this special organisation. If you have some time to volunteer please have a think about how you might like to be involved. If you are just browsing our website, but would like to help then just make a small donation to help keep Warley Woods looking good. Manage Cookie Preferences